Summer Camp at Snapology

Summer Camp at Snapology

Summer is around the corner. Today the sun's rays are shining, and I am starting to feel that summer excitement. I do love the low-key nature of summer without the morning hustle. Yet, I sometimes need a break in the summer: enter summer camp.

We have a few camps lined up: the First Presbyterian VBS (Vacation Bible School), Camp McCullough, and finally, two Snapology camps. That's it. We need some time for Raising Tacoma activities, too. Wink wink.

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Choose Your Summer Adventure: Raising Tacoma Style 2022

Choose Your Summer Adventure: Raising Tacoma Style 2022

In typical Heather style, I had a summer bucket list going. Then the list kept growing and growing. When I tried to put together a cute one-page summer bucket list, it didn’t fit. Oops!

Yup, I tend to do that. There was a time when I had to share my list with my husband at the beginning of the weekend with all the things I wanted to get done listed (and guys, this was pre-kids). He would go through and cross off things because I always…ALWAYS…made it too long and ambitious. No human being could possibly get it all done and stay sane.

Instead of crossing things off on this mega summer list, I decided to share it all and have you “choose your own summer bucket list adventure!” Pick a few things from each section to design a summer bucket list catered to your family and kids. Some of these you can piece together to make one totally awesome day…in my over ambitious mind. ;) Perfect, right?!

Take a look - share what you want to do! Or ping me for a summer adventure together…I’m game!

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2020 Summer Bucket List

2020 Summer Bucket List

Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about bucket lists. Are they like New Years Resolutions? We all know how resolutions go — you are all gun-ho on it for like two weeks and then peter out. However, I like to look at bucket lists as just some ideas on what to do when you’re standing in the kitchen thinking (or, freaking out because the kids are running wild in circles and it’s only 8 am), “what the heck should we do today?!?”

Now, there is one problem: I’m a completionist. The type of person who commits, for better or worse, to the “I AM GOING TO FINISH IT” motto. You give me a list, I’m going to check all those boxes. I have to be careful with these bucket lists. I already made a promise to myself that I will not freak out if not all the boxes are checked. Repeat. I will not freak out if I don’t check all the boxes. Good pep-talk.

Now to the summer bucket list. While summer officially started June 21st on the calendar, we all know summer officially starts the day after July 4th in the Pacific Northwest. The sun is out consistently and the rain stops. We actually have to turn on sprinklers to keep the grass green. So that’s why I waited on my list until this week. I also tried to make it “stay at home” and “socially distant” acceptable. And here’s the list:

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Top 10: Topics that didn’t make it to a Blog Post

Top 10: Topics that didn’t make it to a Blog Post

I really wanted to post something with more oomph today, but that obviously didn’t happen. Nap/quiet time all week was filled up with household tasks like making dinner, laundry, dishes, cleaning, tidying, or me trying to stuff lunch in my face. I am currently brainstorming my next post which will be about where to eat on date night in Tacoma. Does that sound interesting?

So I came up with Friday Five. Then I realized I had more to say and went with Top 10. Which also made me think of David Letterman and his Top 10 lists. My parents used to watch him in the evenings after my sister and I went to bed (ha, I get it now)…But back to the Top 10. I am gonna say this is the top 10 things that I have on my mind and also wanted to share but didn’t have enough time or interesting enough to make up an entire post. So without further ado, here’s the…

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End of Summer Festivals, Fairs, and Fun Events

End of Summer Festivals, Fairs, and Fun Events

I love going out and doing things, especially on the weekends with my family. The "events" on FaceBook are both wonderful and terrible for me because I want to do all the things. Prior to having my son, my hubby and I used to do a lot more outings. Now, we have to work outings around nap time, crankiness, potty training, meal time, and every other baby/toddler thing. Additionally, we have to consider if it's kid-friendly and whether it'll be easy to keep him out of trouble. Sometimes something might be more effort than it's worth, so we have to pick our outings wisely. For instance, we don't do the outdoor concerts. It sounds idyllic: sit on a picnic blanket with some snacks and listen to the band while your toddler dances next to you. However, the reality is I would be running around all the other picnickers chasing my son whom once caught will scream and kick. I'm sure you can picture it, or maybe even experienced it. Power to you if your child isn't a "runner" - enjoy it. I get my daily exercise just chasing him. 

Anyway, overall I do love the events on FaceBook. I have my FaceBook doubts and dislikes, but the events are great. It's fun to see what my friends are interested in (maybe we can go together?!) and I find out about events that I normally would never have known about. It's hard to keep up with things when you have a toddler. 

Where are this magical events on FaceBook? On the main FaceBook page, look to the left navigation. Under "Explore" you should see the "Events" link. Cool, right?

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