Summer Camp at Snapology

Summer Camp at Snapology

Summer is around the corner. Today the sun's rays are shining, and I am starting to feel that summer excitement. I do love the low-key nature of summer without the morning hustle. Yet, I sometimes need a break in the summer: enter summer camp.

We have a few camps lined up: the First Presbyterian VBS (Vacation Bible School), Camp McCullough, and finally, two Snapology camps. That's it. We need some time for Raising Tacoma activities, too. Wink wink.

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Top 10: Topics that didn’t make it to a Blog Post

Top 10: Topics that didn’t make it to a Blog Post

I really wanted to post something with more oomph today, but that obviously didn’t happen. Nap/quiet time all week was filled up with household tasks like making dinner, laundry, dishes, cleaning, tidying, or me trying to stuff lunch in my face. I am currently brainstorming my next post which will be about where to eat on date night in Tacoma. Does that sound interesting?

So I came up with Friday Five. Then I realized I had more to say and went with Top 10. Which also made me think of David Letterman and his Top 10 lists. My parents used to watch him in the evenings after my sister and I went to bed (ha, I get it now)…But back to the Top 10. I am gonna say this is the top 10 things that I have on my mind and also wanted to share but didn’t have enough time or interesting enough to make up an entire post. So without further ado, here’s the…

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