Choose Your Summer Adventure: Raising Tacoma Style 2022

Choose Your Summer Adventure: Raising Tacoma Style 2022

In typical Heather style, I had a summer bucket list going. Then the list kept growing and growing. When I tried to put together a cute one-page summer bucket list, it didn’t fit. Oops!

Yup, I tend to do that. There was a time when I had to share my list with my husband at the beginning of the weekend with all the things I wanted to get done listed (and guys, this was pre-kids). He would go through and cross off things because I always…ALWAYS…made it too long and ambitious. No human being could possibly get it all done and stay sane.

Instead of crossing things off on this mega summer list, I decided to share it all and have you “choose your own summer bucket list adventure!” Pick a few things from each section to design a summer bucket list catered to your family and kids. Some of these you can piece together to make one totally awesome day…in my over ambitious mind. ;) Perfect, right?!

Take a look - share what you want to do! Or ping me for a summer adventure together…I’m game!

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2020 Christmas Bucket List

2020 Christmas Bucket List

Yup, it’s the holiday season and while it’s not exactly the same as past years, there is still plenty to be jolly about and to do to bring in the holiday spirits. We’ve been busy as a family doing all the holiday things. If you’re looking for ideas, here’s my Christmas bucket list. We may not do everything, but it’s nice to have on hand when you’re wanting to do something holiday to-do!

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My Meal Planning Tips and Tools

My Meal Planning Tips and Tools

What’s for dinner?

Do you get that question a lot? I get it from my hubby, but also now from my older son sometimes. It’s the question of the day. Everyday. We all want it. We all need it. And we all want something we love to eat!

Personally, I enjoy cooking and baking. Although, during the week it’s really not as enjoyable because I’d rather use that time to relax or do something fun. Right? I mean, I love to cook and bake, but more so when it’s not rushed and I feel relaxed about it (which, honestly, isn’t often because you know, kids). I do like the end results of it, though. ;)

When it comes to dinner for me, here’s the deal. I am not the kind of person that can just make up dinner with whatever is in the kitchen at 4pm for dinner that evening. That thought terrifies me. I know I could do it if it came to it, but it would stress me out. I am a planner through and through and that applies to my meals. When my friends find out about this aspect of me, the next question is, “how do you meal plan?” I figured this is everyone’s dilemma, so I thought I’d share.

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Hip Hippity Hooray for Easter

Hip Hippity Hooray for Easter

Drumroll, please…. I am happy to announce my Easter post is finally up! No joke, I’ve been working on this post for over a week. Guys, I’ve been stressing about it, too. I was grumpy yesterday because I felt it was so late that it would all be irrelevant. Shipping is not an option at this point unless you do Amazon Prime. Then again, I think 98% of our purchases are Aamzon, so maybe it's okay. And you have plenty of time to shop still, right? Just say you do, please, it’ll make me feel better. 

But enough of that. Easter is next week, and we have a lot to cover. There are things to wear, meals to cook, baskets to fill, eggs to hunt, and bunnies to visit. Are you with me? Huzzah!

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Looking Ahead: March 2018

Looking Ahead: March 2018

At the beginning of each month, I try and take a look through my calendar and see what to expect that month. Is there a friend or family member's birthday? A holiday? Somewhere we're expected to be (fingers crossed that this place is a vacation spot)? Really anything I need to plan for in advance. Mainly, I do this because Josh and I sit down (or at least discuss) at the start of each month to discuss that particular month's budget. By looking at a calendar, I know what items I want to bring into our budget planning discussion.  

The other reason I do this is to see if I need to do any research for a project - art, baking, cooking, etc. For example, in February for Valentine's Day, I did a little art project with Caleb to make Valentine's Day cards for the grandparents. Then I also made brownies as a special Valentine's Day treat. So I had to do some research on Valentine's Day projects that you can do with a toddler. I also needed to secure budget for art supplies. 

Being prepared and organized is tough! I am not perfect, no sir ye. I wish I were, though, and I keep trying. 

I just went through my calendar and here are some things I thought you might want to be aware of as well. 

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