2022 Fall Bucket List

2022 Fall Bucket List

Fall is coming up and is official on September 22nd. We’re preparing to bring in the window A/C units and break-out the pumpkin recipes. Of course, we’re also ready to grab all the pumpkin lattes out there in town. My husband proposed get a new pumpkin latte every Friday. Ha!

Fall is my favorite season. The flavors, the colors, the smell, and even the weather is usually pretty great—yup, sweater weather! Do you love this season? Either way, this bucket list will get you in the fall spirit. See the download button below to get your own PDF.

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2020 Christmas Bucket List

2020 Christmas Bucket List

Yup, it’s the holiday season and while it’s not exactly the same as past years, there is still plenty to be jolly about and to do to bring in the holiday spirits. We’ve been busy as a family doing all the holiday things. If you’re looking for ideas, here’s my Christmas bucket list. We may not do everything, but it’s nice to have on hand when you’re wanting to do something holiday to-do!

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2020 Summer Bucket List

2020 Summer Bucket List

Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about bucket lists. Are they like New Years Resolutions? We all know how resolutions go — you are all gun-ho on it for like two weeks and then peter out. However, I like to look at bucket lists as just some ideas on what to do when you’re standing in the kitchen thinking (or, freaking out because the kids are running wild in circles and it’s only 8 am), “what the heck should we do today?!?”

Now, there is one problem: I’m a completionist. The type of person who commits, for better or worse, to the “I AM GOING TO FINISH IT” motto. You give me a list, I’m going to check all those boxes. I have to be careful with these bucket lists. I already made a promise to myself that I will not freak out if not all the boxes are checked. Repeat. I will not freak out if I don’t check all the boxes. Good pep-talk.

Now to the summer bucket list. While summer officially started June 21st on the calendar, we all know summer officially starts the day after July 4th in the Pacific Northwest. The sun is out consistently and the rain stops. We actually have to turn on sprinklers to keep the grass green. So that’s why I waited on my list until this week. I also tried to make it “stay at home” and “socially distant” acceptable. And here’s the list:

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My 2018 Holiday Bucket List

My 2018 Holiday Bucket List

Can you believe it? Thanksgiving has past and December is here in just a few days. We’re already starting to get into the Christmas spirit. The music has definitely started and will continue until Christmas day! Even though I’m super pregnant right now and excepting a baby any day, I still want to do all things Christmas, so I decided to put together a Holiday Bucket list. Do you want to join me in making one? Then I thought this PDF from Rochester MN Moms Blog was a cute template to make the bucket list festive and printable.

Here’s my Holiday Bucket List…

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