It's Raining, It's Pouring: Indoor Activities in Tacoma

It's Raining, It's Pouring: Indoor Activities in Tacoma

It’s raining, it’s pouring, there is no time for snoring, she bumped her head…well, let’s just stop there. We all know that raining days are the worst when you have kids. You get all couped up inside and everyone is stir crazy and it’s just a loooooonnnggg day. These days, I find my self racking my brain on what to do and/or where to go. I started a list on my notes app on my iPhone and usually start there. I thought I’d take it a step further and write a post.

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Indoor Fun: Pump It Up

Indoor Fun: Pump It Up

I feel like the closer I get to my due date with baby #2, the harder it is to get posts written. Life has been busy to say the least especially with an active two and a half year old son. During the daytime, I’m busy keeping him entertained. During nap time and evenings, I’m busy keeping things running at home and preparing for the baby…oh yeah, and some relaxing and sleeping.

That said, here I am! And I today is about a new indoor play space. I’ve been meaning to check out Pump It Up for a long time and I finally got there on Wednesday. Sometimes I get stuck into my routine or set places, and I also get a bit of anxiety when I don’t know anyone that’s gone or know what it’s like. But I gathered up my mama courage and headed over there in hopes of getting some Caleb wiggles out. And my hopes came true: wiggles were definitely gotten out. Caleb LOVED it. I thought he might be more timid, but he dived right into the fun (quite literally).

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