An Indoor Birthday Paradise: Ocean5

An Indoor Birthday Paradise: Ocean5

I am here to talk about birthdays...again. It feels like my kids have back-to-back birthdays. Oh wait, they do! My younger son has an early December birthday (see post), and my older son has a birthday at the start of January. It's wild. It's hectic. We have a birthday, we have the holidays, we have another birthday. Once January rolls around, I am ready to be done. But I have to power through that last birthday. 

I need something easy but fun. And indoors because, hello, it's January. Oh, where or where can his birthday be? Oh (light bulb), Ocean5

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Ultimate Indoor Nerf: Gotcha Arena

Ultimate Indoor Nerf: Gotcha Arena

I’m going to whisper a word in your ear: nerf. Did your kid hear it? Because I think my kid heard, he is in the other room. I kid…but nerf is like the real-deal big kid thing - they love it. So imagine the thrill of nerf plus a huge arena where the imagination can run free. Yup, that’s Gotcha Arena.

While I enjoy a good game, I thought Gotcha would make the perfect dad and son fun day out. They invited two other dad and son friends, and it was game on. They had a total blast. In fact, they went a few weeks ago, and all the boys (and dads, haha) are still talking about it and want to go back. They had a blast. My son is planning his next birthday there, which is over six months away. Needless to say, this place is a great time. Let me tell you all about it!

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Simple Science Experiments for Young Kids

Simple Science Experiments for Young Kids

My 4-year-old son is obsessed with experiments and our isolation indoors has only increased this obsession. His favorite experiments involve water. Generally, he wants to freeze little things (like the tiny animals and insect figurines) in his science test tubes and then melt it. Better yet, add color tablets we have to color his bath water to change the water’s color of his experiment. I guess there could be worse obsessions, but I’m constantly drying the floor, tables, chairs, etc. Water everywhere!

Honestly, I love that he’s so interested in experiments and I want to encourage it. I try to come up with simple experiments for us to do together. The experiments need to have rather immediate results because he’s four-years-old and needs instant gratification. And simple so that I don’t have to go to a special store to get supplies, and better yet, I already have them all at home. I’ve gathered a few good ones and thought I’d share so you have some fun ideas in your back-pocket during all the social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Coronavirus: Keeping Busy at Home

Coronavirus: Keeping Busy at Home

I imagine you’re at home right now like me trying to figure out what the heck to do to keep your kids busy since school is closed (and everything else we do is closed like the zoo, YMCA, Children’s Museum, etc). UGH! I feel so much anxiety about what I’m going to do to keep my little guys entertained and learning. And social media is overwhelming me. In fact, I almost feel more anxious after going online - it’s like all this information is being tossed out into the world but I can’t seem to keep track of it all, and not to mention how to deceiver what will actually work for my kid’s age and temperament. On top of that, I’m thinking I need some sort of schedule since everyone is doing it. AHHH.


So I started a list since that makes me feel better usually. Below what I’ve gathered. Then as we were on a walk yesterday, I came up with a schedule. It needed to be pretty relaxed and flexible given weather and moods.

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It's Raining, It's Pouring: Indoor Activities in Tacoma

It's Raining, It's Pouring: Indoor Activities in Tacoma

It’s raining, it’s pouring, there is no time for snoring, she bumped her head…well, let’s just stop there. We all know that raining days are the worst when you have kids. You get all couped up inside and everyone is stir crazy and it’s just a loooooonnnggg day. These days, I find my self racking my brain on what to do and/or where to go. I started a list on my notes app on my iPhone and usually start there. I thought I’d take it a step further and write a post.

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