Rally Yourself for Restaurant Rally Week

Rally Yourself for Restaurant Rally Week

I’m chiming in here quickly to share something local that’s going on, Pierce County Restaurant Rally. Come on, let’s support our local restaurants and participate. (Oh and if you like to talk about food and find the latest happenings, check out Sue Kidd on Dine Pierce County - she also has some recommendations and highlights for this rally)

What is it (be brief about it):

It’s to help local restaurants during these crazy covid times. We still want restaurants folks, so we gotta support them! Here’s the deal, as a customer you get 30% dine-in or take-out before tax…sorry alcohol is excluded. In return, the restaurant will be compensated for 50% of gross sales. Read more of the details on the Restaurant Rally website .

When is it happening?

  • Sunday, November 8th to Thursday, November 12th

  • Sunday, November 15th to Thursday, November 19th

  • Sorry, no Friday and Saturdays (ha, of course, that’s when we eat out/take-out)

What restaurants?

The list is huge, so I went through it and picked out some of my favorites. See my list below.

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Checking it Out: Brewers Row

Checking it Out: Brewers Row

The motivation for my Red Elm and the Antique Sandwich Co. reviews was that they were known in my "mom circles" as places for kids. Brewer's Row, however, isn't widely talked about as a place for kids. However, my experience there with my son, Caleb, have been great. It's casual and fast which make for a fun place to grab a bite to eat if you have little ones. Let's taco (I mean talk) about it. 

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Tacoma Take-Out Favorites

Tacoma Take-Out Favorites

Before having Caleb, Josh and I loved to dine out. Not always fancy, but just for some good grub on the weekends. I guess you could call us foodies. I really do enjoy cooking and baking at home, but I also really enjoy eating out. It is a nice break from the kitchen, it's fun to eat delicious foods (especially things you can't/don't make at home), and it can often inspire your inner chef. A good mix of eating out and eating in would be our style...pre-kids. 

However, now that we have a kid, eating out is way, way, way less frequent. It's hard to work it in with naps and bedtime and can be tough to keep the kiddo entertained and quiet while you eat. I often find myself overly involved with the kid and not really paying attention to what I am eating. This sort of defeats the purpose for me in some ways. I like to savor and enjoy my food. We could take turns, Josh and I, with one managing Caleb while the other chows down; however, then you're not really eating together.  

We still attempted to keep our eating out style while Caleb was a baby, and it worked until he was about five months old, then it just stopped working. He stopped sleeping on-to-go as much and eating out became a challenge. We had to adjust our eating out lifestyle. So, we turned to take-out. I cook all week, so our little treat is to get take-out Friday and/or Saturday. We put Caleb down for bed, and then we enjoy our take-out meal together. Not quite the same, but still enjoyable. 

Top 11 (why stop at 10?) Tacoma Take-out Restaurants…

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