A Father's Day Craft: Monster Hug Cards

A Father's Day Craft: Monster Hug Cards

Truth: I didn’t come up with this idea. I found it on another blog, Kids Craft Room (here’s the link to the original craft I’m sharing here) However, I tested it, put on my own spin (to make it easier), and can confirm it’s cute and doable! So there’s that.

Also, it’s not a tie, golf (or any sport), bbq, or beer-themed card. The world has too many of those for Father’s Day. This here is an adorable and fun monster hug card and your father and/or grandfathers will love it.

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A Walk Downtown: Tacoma's Plywood Mural Art

A Walk Downtown: Tacoma's Plywood Mural Art

How are you doing? Hanging in there? These are strange times, right?

All sorts of emotions here - feeling a bit trapped, tired, and optimistic about some return normalcy in the near future…and then back to being frustrated and pessimistic. Ha! One of my least favorite parts of all this is the ambiguity of it all - nobody seems to know how what and when.

However, we’re all in this together and I feel lucky we have a strong community here in Tacoma. One thing that was encouraging lately was all the murals in downtown Tacoma.

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Getting Crafty with KiwiCo

Getting Crafty with KiwiCo

Do you ever read a description of a product or service and still wonder what the heck it is? I hate that! Sometimes I feel companies get too much into trending or key words and forget to give just a straight forward description of what they provide. Ugh!

I wanted to share my experience with KiwiCo and went to their “About Us” to get their official description and I feel like it was all fluff and didn’t actually give much “about” the service….which, by the way, is AWESOME. In my own words, I’d say it is a subscription based craft box service that delivers age appropriate projects to your door. (Okay, end of rant now)

I first heard about KiwiCo from my friend/neighbor, but never really went any further than talking about it. Then I got an email that offered a free trial. With it being summer still, I really need things to entertain my 3-1/2 year old son and this seemed just the ticket, so I signed up (while during Wesley at 10pm one night, haha).

You select the age of your child when you sign-up for your crate, so what you get will fit your kid. We landed with the Koala crate which focus on play & learn. Perfect! Then, when our crate arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to see three crafts for us. When my son came out of quiet time, I delivered the news: he got a box in the mail. He LOVES getting boxes and letters in the mail (although I think he knows that boxes are better, hehe). He’s even happy with the box is as simple as a new cup. Easy to please, love it.

Of course, as soon as the box was open, we had to start a craft immediately. The box theme was Rainbows. Ahh, cute! I should have looked in the box out before letting him know about the box because I was scrambling a bit to get a closer look at what we had to do. This mom is just living and learning.

Once I had the box back in my hands, and a moment to see everything, I realized they provide all the materials and some great instructions.

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