My Favorite Things 2019: A Christmas Gift List

My Favorite Things 2019: A Christmas Gift List

I feel like every email and every blogger I follow has list upon list of gifts (click here or here, for example). Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, Gifts for the Home Cook, Gifts for {fill in the blank}. While I appreciate the lists and they give me ideas, but they also seem to send spirals of anxiety through me. I feel like I have to find all the gifts…on sale…right now. AHH! Then I always want to give thoughtful gifts and something the receiver would really enjoy, so I find myself online searching, reading, looking, deciding, and going down rabbit holes of random things. Top all this with all the emails about sales here, shipping deadlines, and I’m just going nuts. My brain is like a ping pong table. Or like a dog seeing a squirrel. Are you relating at all to me here? Or am I really just that nuts? Ha, don’t tell me.

So to further complicate things, I’ve got my own list for you. I’m taking the Oprah route and calling it My Favorite Things!

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Tacoma Gem: Curious Bear Toys & Book Shop

Tacoma Gem: Curious Bear Toys & Book Shop

Well well well, look who’s back on the blog. Raising Tacoma lives on. I’ve been pretty good at keeping up on Instagram (follow me) and Facebook (like the page), but the blog has been sadly neglected. Sorry about that, friends. But I wanted to break my blog silence to tell you about the best toy store around, The Curious Bear Toys and Book Shop. It opened fall 2018 and has been such a great addition to the community. I always leave the store so happy…as does my toddler.

Here’s what I love about the store:

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The Diaper Backpack, aka Best Mom Bag

The Diaper Backpack, aka Best Mom Bag

When I became a mom, I was excited about getting a diaper bag. They make some pretty cute ones these days. Carrying a diaper bag around town is like a badge of honor showing you're a mom. Then I became a mom and realized what a hassle carrying one around can be. There is so much stuff to put in there so it's heavy and bulky. Then your shoulder starts to hurt, and because you wanted a cute one your husband is not a fan of carrying it for you. But, he'll definitely hand you stuff to put in it as well because of that's what you do. 

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I Miss my Water Bottle

I Miss my Water Bottle

Gosh, I was really hoping to share more posts with you last week. Unfortunately, all the nap time chores piled up coupled with some shorter naps from Caleb, I just didn't get as much done with the blog world. I do have some great posts in-the-works like some of our favorite apps for toddlers, a review of Red Elm, and all things Easter. Whew! My head is whirling with all my research and writing. Be ready for it, friends.

Right now, I wanted to share with you something I love. It's one of those everyday items that you don't realize how much you use until it's gone. You guys, it's my water bottle!

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